May gave us more and more glimpses of our precious little boy’s sweet personality! The fog of jet lag disappeared, the sparkle returned in Gideon’s eyes, and we got to see lots of his excited arm flailing, which was (and is) the cutest thing ever! We discovered he couldn’t hear, had his ears irrigated, and within 24 hours, he was responding to his name, interacting more, and wanting to listen to music with words! We saw his stacking cups and stacking rings less and less, his attention span decreased (in a good way) as he started to explore his world, and we just didn’t know how exciting our home could be before Gideon. The faucet, the ice maker, the garage door…all of the ordinary things around our house were an endless source of wonder for Gideon. He also really loved driving under overpasses on the interstate, swimming in his little pool from Grandma and Grandpa, and being rocked to sleep for nap and bedtime. Gideon laughs super easily, and his smile is contagious. He brings joy wherever he goes!Milestones:
- First evaluations with First Steps, private speech therapy, and private occupational therapy
- Clapped his hands
- Built a tower of blocks
- Ate bananas with strawberry syrup
- Let me finger-feed him for the first time
- First time leaving Gideon with Moni, as Brian had an emergency root canal
- Fed himself with his fingers for the first time
- Tried two Cheerios, then spit them out
- Shadowed at preschool for 2 hours all by himself
- First date night since Gideon for our anniversary, so first time staying with Grandma and Grandpa
- Said “bub bub” (bubbles) for the first time
- Went to Sunday School all by himself
- Started responding to his name for the first time after we had his ears irrigated
- Ate kimchi
- Drank out of a spoutless sippy cup
- Sucked on a lollipop
- Said “mama” for the first time

Just-for-Fun Milestones:
- Opened his first savings account at Grandpa’s work and was featured on Dave Ramsey’s social media accounts!
- Went to visit Daddy at Dockside
- First trip to Richmond to visit Nana and Papaw
- Grandpa let him try the garage door opener for the first time, and he was in love
- First post-placement visit with our social worker
- Toured his preschool and fell in love with it
- Went swimming at Moni and Poppy’s for the first time