September Update

Gideon’s favorite things this month – besides garage doors, which are still his favorite – were kissing me every chance he got, running up and down inclines (which he learned to do this month), and watching the automatic doors at Walmart. He thought the button on the arcade machine controlled the doors, and it was so funny. I played the song “Yes I Will” – which I hadn’t played since we listened to it each morning during maternity leave – and Gideon came RUNNING to me so I could hold him and dance with him. I love that he loves to “dance” and worship with me! We went on Gid’s first field trip to the Louisville Zoo, and he loved that Mommy, Daddy, Ms. DeAnn, and Ms. Abby were all at the same place together. He would get so excited when we saw his teachers at the different exhibits! I started Gideon’s baby book this month, and Brian and I got to help out with the Act II event. For the first time since we got home, the restlessness in my heart to continue making a difference in the world of adoption and foster care subsided, and I was at peace. This month marked one year since Korea told us about Gideon's diagnoses, since the day our world turned upside down. And it just struck me how far he’s come, and how amazingly grateful we are that God brought this precious little boy into our lives. We get a front row seat to miracles every single day, and we know more joy than we ever could have imagined, all because of Gideon. Our world may have turned upside down that day last September, but goodness, we wouldn’t have it any other way.One of my very biggest fears when our adoption suddenly became a “special needs adoption” was that Gideon would be made fun of, left out, and that kids would see him as different and wouldn’t be his friend. My fears only grew when he got home and literally didn’t seem to even SEE other children, much less interact with them. But one day this month, I dropped Gideon off at school, and as soon as his little friend “D” saw him opening the door, “D” started running toward us, cheering “Gid! Gid!” and clapping. Gideon looked “D” in the eyes and started clapping back. And then Gideon’s other favorite friend “M” ran over to say hi to “Gill-ee-an” too. I had to stop myself from crying right then and there, because, despite his lack of speech and social experience, little bud already has FRIENDS who call him by name and care about him.Milestones:

  • Really tracking with his eyes when we point
  • Runs consistently now
  • Tried Cool Whip twice, and he liked it
  • Started choosing his own yogurt flavor by looking at the pictures on the top
  • Doesn’t freak out with blankets on him anymore
  • Started coloring spontaneously anytime he sees crayons, chalk, or pens
  • First school photo day
  • Can find his head when we ask him, and not just when we sing “Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes”
  • Played on the playground without getting nervous or clingy
  • Learned to navigate inclines on the playground, and he isn’t afraid anymore
  • Tried paw paw ice cream Jeff made us, and he loved it
  • Held his Mommy and Daddy’s hands as we walked down the sidewalk in Madison
  • Signing “all done” consistently after meals now
  • Also started signing “all done” in other situations, like putting a toy down and saying “all done”
  • First field trip at the zoo
  • Chewed on the ARK grabber after months of trying to get him to put it in his mouth
  • Handed me his empty bowl to tell me he wanted more
  • Signs “Jesus” and “loves me” now, and it’s the cutest thing ever




October Update


July Update