Stars for Gideon
You can be part of this story.
Abraham. Isaac. Isaiah. Over and over again throughout the Old Testament, God paints us a beautiful image of his faithfulness with the night sky, reminding his people that even if they could count the number of stars in the heavens, still his blessings would be more!
Give a star. Leave a legacy.
For those who have asked to support us in this journey, we’ve provided links to online giving platforms below. For each person who chooses to give, we have a star (of the glow-in-the-dark variety) just for you. We’ll write your name on the star and hang it on the ceiling of our nursery.
Our prayer is that our little buddy will come home and see tiny reminders of God’s faithfulness in their life through all the people who already love him! Like Abraham, Isaac, and Isaiah, their little life matters, not just to all the people on the stars, but to God too.
Click on the link. Username: brianjtroyer@gmail.com
Click on the link. Username: @callietroyer
Email hello@forgideon.com to get our mailing address.
Got extra airline miles or another idea? Email us!
We decided to earmark all gifts for the Korea Intercountry Adoption Fee, which accounts for about $21,000 (or half of the total process). We are so thankful that our baby will have a loving foster family for the first year of their little life, and the Korea Fee helps continue to provide this kind of loving care to all waiting kiddos in South Korea.
The Korea Fee also covers related social services in South Korea, which provide support to keep children with their birth families and promote domestic adoption in-country. We know it seems funny, earmarking adoption gifts for keeping babies with their birth families whenever possible, but it is so indescribably important to us to be part of the long-term solution for orphans around the world and not part of the demand. God calls us to care for orphans, but this also means working together to eliminate the need whenever possible. There are many, many reasons why a birth parent will make an adoption plan — and we totally respect those reasons — but we don’t want to be one of them. We believe in caring for birth families first. And that means families who make adoption plans for their children and families who do not.
The decision to accept financial gifts at all was not one we took lightly. We know accepting gifts is a great way for our friends and family to feel tangibly involved in a very abstract process, but we also know that opening the door to financial support opens the door to speculation. So we hope that, before you give, you also take time to prayerfully consider this partnership with us and, even better, pray for our Little Buddy too!